How to create the perfect jacquard scheme!

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Look at the drawing below, you'll notice the difference in proportion between the punch card and the knitted result.

We suggest to distort and stretch your design by 65% in width before converting it with OKnitMe.

Choose the format of the punch-card depending on your drawing (48 or 60 rows).

To draw a pattern you can use a vectorial graphic program (like Inkscape or Illustrator), or a bitmap graphic program (like gimp or photoshop). In any case, to reach better results use only black and white (no greyscale) and use the formats of the pic below.


All the jacquard punch-card have a limited amount of dots, hence you don't need to have a over defined design. The result looks like an 8-bit image, that’s why working on simple and geometric images gives better results. Export in gif or jpg.


Realizza lo schema jaquard perfetto

Osserva il disegno sottostante e nota la differenza di proporzioni fra scheda e maglia rasata (stockinette)

Consigliamo quindi di distorcere il disegno prima di caricarlo in Oknitme circa del 65% in larghezza.

Scegli con cura la scheda più adatta al tuo disegno, fra le due disponibili a seconda del tipo di disegno che vuoi realizzare. (48 o 60 righe).

Per disegnare il tuo pattern è valido sia un programma di grafica vettoriale (come illustrator o inkscape), sia di grafica bitmap (photoshop e gimp).


All the jacquard punch-card have a limited amount of dots, hence you don’t need to have a over defined design. The result looks like an 8-bit image, that’s why working on simple and geometric images gives better results. Export in gif or jpg.